Company Description

Techno-Control’s purpose was to design and manufacture superior quality controllers for resistance welding (spot welding). One thing leading to another, we have developed our service offering to meet the needs of our customers for welders, parts and resistance welding consulting services. Over the years, Jean-Pierre Derdeyn has shared his expertise with his team, letting our clients benefit from over 70 years of combined experience.

Always with the aim of being at the cutting edge of technology and offering quality products, Techno-Control devotes enormous efforts in research and development. We have thus been able to carry our several projects for our customers, ranging from a resistance welding controller (spot welding) to the custom fully automated production units including resistance welders. Challenge us!

Company Type
Manufacturer, Service Provider
Year Established
Products / Services

resistance welding controllers, spotwelding gun, press welder, seam welder, rocker welder, butt welder, Capacitive discharge welders, refurbished welders, machine rental service, electrode holders, electrodes, calibration service, Preventive maintenance

Own Manufacture Materials
Alloy / Superalloy, Carbon Steel, Others
Contact Information
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