Company Description

ANEMO exists because we come up with solutions for installers & operators of machinery and equipment. We offer time saving, ease of use and certainty to open & close panels, install cables and thread connections frequently.

Through SEO we get in contact with OEM’s and give them technical advise and specify components.

Company Type
Products / Services

Turnlocks, quarter turn fasteners, Latch, S-clamps, LatchLock, Clinserts full metal inserts, Auto-Lok Nuts, self locking nuts, Plunger, Rapid Inserts, Spanclamps, Smart Block Pins, Ball Locking Pin, Lanyards, Cable Ties, Cable Clips, Panel Clips, Knobs, Hinge, Handle, Lido Key Locks, Camlock locks, blind rivet

Contact Information
France Office
Website URL