Company Description

CMG Sales, Inc. is a leading manufacturer sales representative and calibration laboratory providing the highest quality products and services to manufacturers nationwide. The relationships we develop with our customers begins with pre-sales support through final set-up, training, and regularly scheduled calibration.

​CMG Sales products offer wide array of measurement instruments, sensors, and data acquisition software designed to improve manufacturing quality and efficiency while reducing costs.

Company Type
Trading Company, Service Provider
Products / Services

calibrations of coating thickness gauges / x-ray XRF fluorescence instruments / coating thickness standards, Portable Spectrophotometers, Bench Top Spectrophotometers, Chroma Meters, Colorimeters, Gloss Meters, Light Booths, Color and Appearance Software, X-ray XRF Fluorescence Measurement Instruments, Portable Coating Thickness Measurement Instruments, Data Acquisition Instruments, Material Analysis Instrument, Adaptive DEPRAG Fastening System, Sensors

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