Company Description

DIATEST manufactures high-precision bore gauging instruments and offers measuring solutions

Our clients are manufacturers all over the world demanding a high standard of accuracy and quality, for example the aviation and aerospace industry, the automobile and hydraulics industry, medical industry as well as general engineering.

Your advantage: regardless of industrialized country of production you can always feel safe due to DIATEST quality. Your local DIATEST partner takes care of you. Our partners know their country, culture, language and market. And have experiences and know-how about DIATEST and quality control.

The name DIATEST guarantees worldwide quality, expertise and safety. Measuring instruments with an accuracy of up to 0.0002 mm / 0.000008 Inch ensure an absolute accurate result. Future-orientated manufacturing technology, well trained precision engineering technicians and engineering knowledge guarantee highest quality standards. Whether standard- or customer specific solutions, DIATEST measuring instruments will be adequate for future tasks.

Company Type
Manufacturer, Service Provider
Year Established
Products / Services

Autonomous robot-supported measuring cells, Automatic measurement in the process (IPM), Measuring Workstation, Plug Gauge BMD, Split Ball Probe, Plunger Probes, DIA-COME measuring tables, Chamfer Gauges, Internal Gear Gauges, External Gear Gauges, Ball Inserts, Roller Anvils, External Diameter Gauge AMG, Gauge-2Dimensions, TD-Gauge+, Crankshaft Gauge, DIATRON1000, DIATRON6060-μNetwork, DIATRON2200, Micro Comparator F1000, Analogue Indicators MU, Digital Indicators MDU, DIATEST SimKey Software, DIA-EXDLL Software, DIA-Gauge Software, Setting Rings, Setting Master, Metrology Services, world-wide maintenance and repair service

Own Manufacture Materials
Carbon Steel, Others
Contact Information