Drillco has been supplying industry with the finest selection of quality metal cutting tools, manufactured in America and around the world.
Selling exclusively through authorized distributors in the U.S., Canada and abroad, Drillco offers a complete selection of domestic and imported metal cutting tools including: drills, taps, dies, reamers, burs, annular cutters, end mills, masonry drills, countersinks and much more.
Drillco is the home of Nitro, our premium line of drills, taps, reamers, and annular cutters which offer even higher productivity levels, saving you money!
Our large selection of tools, located in shipping locations in Baton Rouge (headquaarters), Waynesboro (PA), Los Angeles, and Kansas City, combined with our state of the art manufacturing facilities, makes Drillco the best choice for all your cutting tool needs.
Drills, Taps, Dies, Burs, Annular Cutters, Reamers, End Mills, Countersinks