We offer a fast maintenance and calibration service of all brands. Your instrument will be returned with a calibration certificate and a personalized identification tag. All our certificates are traceable to NIST or be at NRC.
We calibrate and repair a wide range of test and measurement instrument. Our instrumentation specialists have the experience to meet your need in many industrial and scientific fields.
Calibration / Certification / Repair Maintenance of Durometer / Load cells/ Scales / Torque wrench / Weight / Dynamometers / Tension gauge / Profilometer / Pneumatic Wrench / Force sensors / Voltmeters / Current clamp / Chronometer / Auditors ‘Hi pot’ / Megohmmeter / Insulation Tester / Frequency counters / Oscilloscopes / Wattmeters / Process calibrator / Tachometer / Graphic recorders / Function Generators / Glass Thermometers / Digital thermometers / Dial thermometers / Hygrometers / Manometer / Thermo-hygrometer / Probes (RTD / Thermocouple) / Infrared Thermometer / Ovens / Calipers / Dial Indicators / Cylindrical Rings / Micrometers / Threaded rings / Height gage / Angle gage / Thread Gage / Gauge blocks / Feeler gauge / Bore gage / Ruler / Micrometer standard / Brackets / Measuring tapes / Levels / Plug gage / Optical comparators / Test sieve / Ultrasonic gage