1. ANSI/ASME B1.7M is a standard developed through the procedures of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. B1.7M is under the jurisdiction of ASME Standards Committee B1.
2. B1.7M establishes uniform practices for standard screw threads with regard to screw thread nomenclature and letter symbols. B1.7M consists of a glossary of terms, an illustrated table showing the application of symbols, and a table of thread series designations.
B 1. 7M applies to both inch and metric series screw threads. In 1984, B1.7M was extensively revised to incorporate ISO (International Organization for Standardization) nomenclature, terms and symbols where the definitions were consistent with USA practice.
This abstract is limited to a presentation of the B1.7M definitions of terms commonly associated with “straight” Unified inch series screw threads. For the omitted information, refer to the complete
standard, copies of which are available from ASME.
3. ANSI/ASME B1.7M-1984 (R 2001) is abstracted with the permission of its publisher, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990, U.S.A.