Thread rolling screws for ISO metric thread – Guideline values for hole diameters
This standard specifies hole diameters for thread rolling screws conforming to DIN 7500 Part 1. These hole diameters are the result of tests carried out by manufacturers and users. The values given are assigned to various materials and lengths of engagement and should be regarded as guideline values.
As there is a wide variety of designs of thread rolling screws where the rolling area is defined only in terms of the maximum length in DIN 7500 Part 1, it is advisable to examine the specified hole diameters, particularly in mass production, by internal checks.
If the process of manufacturing the hole, e.g. punching, causes a hardness increase in the hole wall, larger hole diameters than those given in this standard may be required. This may also apply to cast holes (casting crust).
This standard does not apply to holes with particular shape, e.g. triangular, octagonal holes.