Cross Recessed Countersunk (Flat) Head Screws (Countersunk Heads according to ISO)
Normally these screws are made in the sizes !or which weight details are given.
If the screws are to be supplied with captive washer components, the designation must be augmented according to DIN 6900.
Check out other specifications
Technical drawings—Screw threads and threaded parts—Part 3 : Simplified representation
Hardened parallel pins with internal thread (ISO 8735 : 1987) English version of DIN EN 28 735
Helical Springs Made of Round Wire – Quality Specifications for Cold Coiled Compression Springs
Mechanische Verbindungselemente – Technische Lieferbedingungen – Feuerverzinkte Teile
Full-length parallel grooved pins, with chamfer (ISO 8740 : 1986) English version of DIN EN 28 740