John Deere | JDM F13

Specification for Non-Electrolytically Applied Zinc Flake Coatings

English 2015
Detailed Information

1.1 JDM F13 specifies requirements for nine grades of corrosion resistant non-electrolytically applied zinc flake coatings on ferrous parts, with three levels of corrosion resistance, and three levels of lubricity.
1.2 JDM F13 coatings are specified in terms of ISO 10683.
1.3 JDM F13 coatings are free from hexavalent chromium. The following variables are at the option of the supplier as long as the performance requirements of JDM F13 are satisfied:
* Use of integral lubricant in the base coat (flZn or flZnL),
* Use of organic or inorganic top coat,
* Use of integral lubricant in the top coat, and
* Use of subsequently added lubricant by the coating applicator.
1.4 JDM F13 coatings are not applicable on parts for which the curing temperature specified by the coating supplier would adversely affect the required mechanical or physical properties of the parts.

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