John Deere | JDM F25

Specification for Zinc Flake Coatings for Bolted Joints

English 2022
Detailed Information

1.1 JDM F25 specifies requirements for black color appearance, hexavalent chromium-free zinc flake coatings with a 0.09-0.16 coefficient of friction (CoF) requirement. Two levels of corrosion resistance are available, 240 hour and 960 hour.
Note 1 JDM F25 uses black color appearance as a visual indicator to identify the 0.09-0.16 CoF range from other CoF ranges.
Note 2 JDM F25 CoF range mutes the effects of inconsistencies of mating parts within the bolted joint. Inconsistencies of mass production include conditions such as geometric nonconformities, contamination, or residual oil.
1.2 JDM F25 is intended for fasteners ≥ M8 or fastener accessories, such as washers, and may be applicable to fasteners ≤ M6 upon review by John Deere and supplier. See JDM F13 for specification of zinc flake coated components which do not need a CoF requirement.
1.3 JDM F25 zinc flake coatings are specified in terms of ISO 10683. JDM F25 is a performance specification, allowing the supplier to determine the best layer structure of the coating to meet the JDM F25 requirements.
1.4 The friction characteristics of the JDM F25 coatings are specified by coefficient of friction. For a critical joint that will be tightened by torque control, it is recommended that a torque/tension study of the actual fastener joint, or a simulation of it, be performed to determine the appropriate tightening torque.

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