Valbruna is a private company with 2.500 employees and an annual output of approx. 250.000 tons of specialty steels. Production is primarily focused on Stainless Steels and Specialty Alloys, available in blooms and billets, ingots, round, square, flat, hexagonal and angle bars, wire rod, wire, reinforcement bars and threaded rods, with the expressed goal of satisfying the most sophisticated needs of the customer. To that end, Valbruna is constantly updating its production capabilities and experience.
Chromium Plated S.S. Bars, Threaded Rods, Wire, Ingots, Blooms and Billets, Wire Rod, Reinforcing Bars, Austenitic Stainless Steel, Martensitic Stainless Steel, Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steel, Ferritic Stainless Steel, Duplex Stainless Steel, Superduplex Stainless Steel, Nickel Alloys, Titanium Alloy, Ferritic Soft Magnetic Steel, Iron Silicon Alloys